OSC Guardian - Safety Advice


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

When preparing for a Disaster, don't forget your pets!

Our pets are not just animals, for most of us, they are members of our families. But they are members that depend on us for both their safety and their well-being. There are things that you can do to be prepared in case of an emergency.

1. Find a safe place to take your pet.
  • The Red Cross can only accept service animals in their shelters. IE seeing eye dogs etc.
  • Check with local hotels outside your immediate area to find out their policies on accepting pets and if they will wave them during an emergency.
  • Ask friends and relatives if they will take them for the time of the emergency.
  • Prepare a list of veterinarians that may take boarding pets. Get 24 hour numbers if possible.

2. Make or buy a portable Pet Disaster kit.

You may not know how long you will be away from your home. Keep items you will need in a a sturdy container that can be easily carried. You should keep the following items in your kit.

  • Any medicines and medical records for your pet. Keep them in a water proof container.
  • A first aid kit.
  • Strong leaches, and or carriers that will allow you to transport your pet safely.
  • A current photo in case they get lost. You can use a camera phone to take the pic.
  • Food, drinking water, litter, can opener, bowl for food and water.
  • One or two small toys.
  • Info on feeding schedules, meds and behavior etc.

3. What you can do if you know a disaster is approaching.

Many times warnings are issued hours or even days in advance.

  • Start calling to confirm emergency shelter arrangements for you and your pets.
  • Check to make sure all your supplies are ready to go.
  • Make sure that you have a strong collar with all the current tags on your pets. You can use tape to add a phone number of the shelter where they will stay or a relative outside the disaster area.

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