OSC Guardian - Safety Advice


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Police Shoot Man Wielding BB Gun

Police Shoot Man Wielding BB Gun
Link To Article 

Police officers responding to a call shot and wounded a 61-year-old man who authorities said was carrying a BB gun that appeared to be a real weapon.

The officers arrived at Linden Street in Brooklyn aroun 1:20 a.m. Saturday. They saw the man with a firearm.

Authorities said the officers took cover behind some cars and ordered the man to drop the weapon, but that he turned toward them with the gun in his hand.

Police said one of the officers fired after the man had repeatedly been told to drop the weapon. He was shot in the torso and thigh, and was hospitalized in stable condition. The weapon was recovered and discovered to be a BB gun.
There are two very important things that we can learn from this encounter.  First is; obey commands given by Law Enforcement Officers.  You may know its all a mistake and that they have the "wrong guy" but they don't know that. They need to protect themselves as well as innocent bystanders by taking all precautions necessary.  They tell you to drop something, then drop it. 
The second important lesson is that perception is different to each individual. To you, it may be obvious that you have a BB gun in your hand, but to the officer standing 20 feet away in the dark, it will look like what it is.  A gun. Not a BB gun, but just a gun.
Be aware of your surroundings and how your actions may be perceived by others.

Stay Safe
Oram Security

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