OSC Guardian - Safety Advice


Friday, May 21, 2010

Should a Federal Agency enforce Federal Law?

Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona


A top Department of Homeland Security official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.


It seems ludicrous to me that a federal agency that is charged with enforcing federal immigration laws would not help enforce a state law that mirrors a Federal Law. Not only that, but to announce to the very people who are breaking the Federal Law, that they may not even be charged if brought in by State Law Enforcement is inane. You may or may not agree with the law, Federal or State, but to have such a top official in charge of an area that is critical to the security of the United States say that they will pick and choose when and if to enforce Federal Law is a major concern to me.

Stay Safe
Oram Security

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Things That Make You Think.............

A few days ago, my family and I were driving down a major interstate in NY. As we drove around a corner we saw multiple emergency vehicles on the side of the road near a van that had turned over and was resting on its roof.

My First thought was to hope that everyone was ok. My next thought went to what would I do if we came across the accident before Emergency Services had arrived. Like most of us, calling 911 would be first on the list…. But then what? Again, like many of you, I have a first aid kit in my car, but this kit was mainly designed to take care of my kids. Minor cuts and bruises, fevers and aches and pains. Not a true emergency first aid kit by any means.

Ok, so now I want to upgrade my kit for my car. Not just so I can take care of small family issues, but also in case I come across other emergencies. After watching a car insurance commercial… or maybe it was for On Star, but they showed a car accident where the drivers cell phone few into the back during the crash. If I was in a crash, would I be able to reach the aid kit? Even if I could get out of my car, would I be able to find it? So, how can I overcome this? In my mind I think I can use the male fix-all. Duct tape. A Level 1 or 2 Resq-Pak (or any type of compact emergency/trauma kit will work) will now be duct taped under the driver seat within reach.  Even if I am trapped in my car, I should be able to reach my kit to be able to take care of myself. 

Stay safe
Oram Security

Increasing CCTV Around NYC?

TIMES SQUARE (WABC) - NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in London Tuesday, getting
a look at the citywide security system that the British call the Ring of Steel.
The mayor is looking for ideas to beef up security following the failed Times
Square car bomb. Bloomberg was shown around a closed-circuit television facility
at Westminster Underground station by London Mayor Boris Johnson on Tuesday.

Increasing CCTV (Close Circuit Television) around New York City is a great idea. Unfortunately people seem to get most of their ideas about CCTV from watching the TV show "24". Law Enforcement does not have the ability to hit a few key strokes on the computer keyboard and suddenly BAM, they have assess to all city, state and private video cameras in the area of a crime in HD quality. Many cameras you see are very substandard, do not work, are not pointing the right way, or are still using old technology. Do you still have a VCR in your house? Imagine, taping your favorite show for 24 hours, once a week for a year using only one tape. How do you think that video is going to look when you need to see the face of a criminal?

The United Kingdom has been dealing with the treat of terrorism for a long time. The City of London has taken the forefront when it comes to the use of CCTV to assist in policing the city. I am glad that Mayor Bloomberg is taking the initiative to go to the best to find out how we can improve the safety of NYC. I just hope the the city can find the money to install the planed increase in cameras and to repair/upgrade the ones we have.

Stay Safe
Oram Security